Premade eLearning

eLearning doesn’t have to break the bank, nor does it need to take forever to implement. With our off the shelf solutions we can close that skill gap quicker than ever. Just email us with the names of the eLearning you’re interested in and we can provide examples for you to review.


Plain Language Writing

Our Plain Language eLearning takes the learner through the journey of plain language writing, covering elements such as the Plain Language Act 2022 and key elements of plain language writing to help them meet their requirements under the Act.

We’ve condensed all this into a 15 minute package which is designed to be accessed in a just in time format.

The standout feature in our Plain Language Writing is the module is plain language itself including the legislative elements, providing many real-world examples to its audience.

Risk Management

In this proposed Risk Management module we look to cover the concepts, and build knowledge and understanding of Risk Management according to the ISO 31000:2018 standard. Our goal is that this module could be used by organisations looking to build their capabilities in managing risks in all forms.


Conflicts of Interest

This eLearning will be the first in our foundational policy series, touching on Conflicts of Interests, understanding them, how they can appear and how to mitigate them.

While development is in the very early stages we welcome expressions of interest.

Coming Soon

Shhh it’s a secret!


Interested? We’re just a call or email away. If your on the fence touch base as we’re more than happy to provide access to one of our offerings for preview*.


Customised to you

We can customise the eLearning to include your organisational branding, in most cases this’ll be free of charge. Just let us know what you’d like before final confirmation of purchase.


*We reserve the right to decline eLearning previews if we feel that a request isn’t genuine.